Volunteer Assistant Team
Randolph Kids provides current students 11+ years old the opportunity to assist in our Dance and Triple Threat year-long programs, as well as our Summer Camps. High-school students may use their placements towards their Community Involvement hours.
Assistants are thoughtfully placed in classes of the same genre they are registered for/have experience in (with the exception of Tiny Tots and Kinder Dance). We treat our assistants like professionals; expecting they arrive on time, set an example, be engaging, and maintain attendance, (reaching out to find a replacement on the team if they cannot attend). Assistants are expected to commit to their entire placement: September to June, or entire week of camp.
There will be a mandatory Volounteer Assistant Team meeting in September to prepare all assistants for the upcoming year. We may call on the team to help with yearly fundraising initiatives. We will also be planning a fun year-end assistant activity day in June.